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Hired for the Boss s Bed Page 6
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Page 6
What untamed creature had overcome her? Sure, she’d wanted one wild night. But she’d envisaged scented sheets, soft pillows, somewhere to lie back and rest after she’d catapulted through the heavens. But that no longer mattered. Decorum didn’t exit. She didn’t want paradise found as much as paradise now.
Shirt half on, David pushed to his feet and heeled off his shoes while she shucked out of a sleeve. Although their eyes were locked, his subtle see-saw movements told her his pants no longer sat upon his hips. He kicked the trousers against the wall, then whipped down her other sleeve. The dress dropped to her ankles. The bra fell too. She was naked but for panties.
His hands looped over her shoulders, ironed her blades, then his arms came around to press her in. The explosion of his heat melted her, inside and out, as his covered erection stabbed her stomach. Her muscles turned marshmallow when his torso ground against her. He feather-kissed her brow and a bonfire erupted at the apex of her thighs.
Lips stirring her hair, he held her close in a subtle intimate dance. ‘Is this okay?’
Her heartbeat hammered as light-headedness drew stars before her eyes. ‘Okay isn’t the word.’
His roaming hands slid over her tailbone, cupped her buns and hauled her in. ‘Nice, then?’
Still recovering from that pre-orgasmic shockwave, she dropped her head against the crisp hair and granite of his chest. She breathed in deeply.
Fix his scent in your mind for ever.
‘Nice?’ She moistened her lips. ‘Let’s see…’
She dragged her tongue along his skin as her palms squeezed between their bodies to skim his firm stomach then sweep over those pecs. His grip clenched her bottom as his chest vibrated with an appreciative sound.
‘Is that nice?’ she asked.
His respiratory rate jumped several slots. Still he managed to sound casual. ‘Let’s say pleasant.’
The pads of each index finger stirred the rims of his flat nipples. Her thumbs and fingers came together and—
‘Ouch.’ But he didn’t sound the least bit hurt. She pinched them again just to make sure. ‘I would classify that as…’ his own fingers slipped under her lower leg elastic and rode the train from back to front ‘…enjoyable.’
Enjoyable should set her alight with happiness. But that was ‘yesterday’. A different woman stood here tonight.
When his wandering fingers dipped in and discovered her moist warmth, her knees buckled. But his other hand on her bottom kept her upright.
He bent and angled his head. ‘Hey?’ His touch down below deepened, then circled and pressed. ‘You all right?’
Dizzy, delirious, drunk with arousal.
‘I’m fine…fine…’ She didn’t want to speak. Her energies were concentrated in other areas, particularly one about to burst into flame.
She tried to drag herself back. It was too soon! She wanted this to last and last.
Grabbing two handfuls of his shirt, she yanked it farther down his back. His hand left her panties so he could release the sleeves.
Almost at the top, she slid back down the climax pole and got her breath. But something bothered her. It was too bright. Dimmer switch? She glanced around. Yes, right behind her.
David brought her close again as the room turned from day to dusk to twilight. Luminous orange spots from the panel and hazy moonbeams emanating from two down-lights…who needed to make love under the stars, just as long as they made love?
His mouth dropped over hers again and they picked up where they’d left off. Stroking, caressing, he amazed her with gentle one minute, rough and playful the next. Heavy breathing, heavier petting. If there’d been a window, it would’ve been fogged.
David’s teeth tugged her earlobe. ‘The way I see it, we have three options.’ She found the set-cement package between his legs, only half contained inside his Calvin Kleins. He seized her hand and manipulated her fingers to surround him, then hard-pressed in and up and down. ‘Oh, dear God…’ She heard him swallow. ‘I was saying…three options.’
On tiptoe, she drew her tongue around his Adam’s apple. Scratchy. Tasty. ‘First option—standing?’
‘And sitting.’
‘That’s two.’
One more. She thought hard. ‘Couldn’t be lying down.’
His chuckle was downright evil. ‘Maybe I won’t shock you with the third option yet.’
Before she could ask, he tipped sideways and felt his way through a search of the console desktop. Should she help? ‘What are you looking for?’
‘The condom.’
She squeezed him extra hard, but his grunt was all pleasure. He’d taken a condom from his pocket before he’d kicked off his pants? ‘You had the foresight to come prepared?’ Should she be flattered or miffed? A light bulb went off in her head. Of course, an intelligent, sexually active bachelor would carry one regardless.
He cancelled out both options. ‘I bought it from a dispenser at the hospital. Got it!’
Her hand fell away. ‘I thought you said you didn’t expect this?’
‘I didn’t.’ He concentrated on tearing the foil. ‘No more than you with your sexy lingerie.’
He had a point.
With lightning-speed precision, he was prepared. In the misty glow he looked like a warrior—a dark, bare-chested, handsome, dominant male. She’d always remember him this way.
When he reached for her again, loved her again, she held onto him as splinters of light built in her mind and her core throbbed and squeezed. Sweet pressure wound tighter as the edge of the world shook and drew near.
When he bounced her up into air, she went with it and scissored her legs around his hips. Holding her with one arm, he ripped her panties’ crotch aside and hit his target. The tip filled her, then, as they moved, more and more of his thick, burning length. She couldn’t bear it. He felt too good.
Her grasp around his neck slipped. Panic flared up from her toes. But she fell no more than the hammock of his arm allowed. Her fingers dug in. ‘Don’t let me go.’
He swung her in and nipped her bottom lip. ‘Not a chance.’
Slick with perspiration, his muscles clenched as he lifted her slightly, then drove in rock-bed deep. He trembled and groaned while she stilled, quivered then contracted around a blast, so powerful and natural, in that moment she didn’t exist but for intensity and instinct.
When the crashing waves ebbed, he was coming back down, too. He shuddered, dragged in a ragged breath, then hummed out a long sigh. As if realizing where he was, he focused on her face and combed away some hair fallen over her eyes. The pad of his thumb traced her lips as his teeth flashed white in the semi-darkness. ‘Who said it couldn’t be done?’
Who would even imagine such a thing? Especially of her. With him. Carly, her best friend, would never believe it. Now it was done, she could barely believe it.
He drew her near again. Her hand slipped over his damp chest and steely mound of one shoulder as he kissed the tip of her nose with a tenderness she wanted to bottle. Butterfly kisses next, at her temple, around her jaw and chin. Every time she thought he’d stop, she tingled at another and another. She could have stayed all night.
He finally craned back. ‘I’d love to say I could hold you like this for ever.’
Her stomach jumped. She hadn’t given a thought to her weight. Not that she was a hulk. She’d made a concerted effort these past years.
She grinned. ‘I think you’ve done exceptionally well.’
His eyes probed hers. ‘Guess it’s time to land.’
He eased her down.
Ropes of sinew strained and shimmered beneath the moonbeams as he stretched, one arm reaching for the ceiling, the other bent so the bicep bulged. ‘Unless you want a rerun, and I’d need to give my thighs a rest for that, we should probably leave.’ He collected his shirt, flung over the back of his chair. ‘I need to clean up first. There’s a bathroom across the hall. Rather fortunate, wouldn’t you say?’
> As she watched him thread his arms through the sleeves her grin spread wider. ‘I wonder if they have a shower?’
He lost interest in missing buttons. ‘Want me to check?’
She liked scented baths, but here was a chance to soap up David’s back, not to mention his front. He might even serenade her if she was lucky.
But she was forgetting where they were.
A booming knock sounded on the door. Serena’s limbs froze as cold blasts of dread snatched her breath away.
Who the hell was that? Oh, God, oh, God. She’d known this was a dumb idea, even if it had been a great idea at the time.
Knock, knock.
David stood stock still. He rasped a whisper across at her. ‘Security.’
Oh, God. Security out there. Them naked in here. They’d be tossed in jail for indecent exposure. She could see the look on her father’s face now.
David soothed her doom and gloom with a calming smile. He slid past, cleared his throat, upped the light to past halfway and opened the door a fraction. ‘Barney, is that you?’ he asked in a deep, assured voice. ‘It’s David Miles.’
She quaked behind the door, eyes closed, really praying this time.
A silence stretched out. ‘Mr Miles? It’s very late.’ Barney sounded more asleep than awake.
‘Jonathon let me have this booth for an hour tonight. Got a big campaign to deliver and time’s running out.’
‘Oh. Sure. Is there anything I can get you?’
‘Not right now. I’m about to pack up.’
Serena bit into a finger to stop her teeth chattering.
‘Well…okay.’ Barney wasn’t an easy one to shake. ‘I’ll be around the traps if you need me.’
‘Thanks, Barney. Goodnight now.’
‘Yeah. Night, Mr Miles.’
David drew the door in.
Heartbeat galloping, she swept her dress up, then strained her hearing to listen. ‘He’s still out there.’
David finished buttoning his shirt. ‘We just can’t hear his footfalls through the insulation.’
After she donned her bra and quickly re-tied the dress, David cracked the door open to peek out. ‘I still need to clean up. What about you?’
She always carried tissues. Her panties were irredeemable, but she didn’t need to wear them. Walking through Sydney without knickers should be chickenfeed compared to the feat of daring she’d performed tonight. Hah! The Mile High Club wasn’t so special.
‘I’m fine. I’ll see you back here—’
‘In five.’
She pushed him out. ‘Make that two.’
When the door clicked shut, she stepped out of her second-hand panties and blinked around. An odd, wistful feeling washed through her.
So, what happened now? This one-night stand had certainly achieved her short-term goal. Sated, glowing. Frustration and curiosity swept aside. Now it should be back to hard work and on with her career goals. Onward and upward.
She fished out a comb from her carryall and wondered.
Did David feel the same way? What would she do if he suggested another night, or two? One half of her begged for it—the physical, fanciful part that had found such unprecedented release and raw carnal satisfaction when he’d loved her as she’d never been loved before. But her other half stood firm. That wasn’t the plan. One night was one night, but prolonged office affairs got messy.
A stone of doubt dropped into her conscience and she winced.
If she weakened now, set herself up as his regular squeeze, how vulnerable would that leave her? Pillow talk might have its benefits, but what about his respect for her as a capable woman who used her brains, not the bedroom, to get ahead? After funnelling every scrap of time and energy into beating down her self-doubt and achieving at college and beyond, that kind of validation meant everything, including who she was and where she some day hoped to be.
After giving her hair one last run through, she slotted the comb back in her bag. She found her clip and twirled up her tresses, nice and neat.
When he returned, she’d tell him up front, no misunderstandings. This was great, but it was once.
A moment later, David walked in with dampened hair, his trousers on and shirt tucked neatly into his belt. She stood when he reached for her hands. He didn’t avoid her eyes, but they’d lost their sparkle. His brow was buckled, too.
‘We’ll take a cab to the car. It’ll be quicker that way. But first…’ His thumb stroked the back of her hand, but his smile missed reaching his eyes. ‘Serena, we need to talk.’
Her stomach knotted and defences shot up.
Did he want to ‘let her down gently’? But she wanted to do that to him. She’d already decided she didn’t want a replay. He might hold all the power in a business sense, but she wouldn’t allow him to take this decision away from her. If somebody was going to be dropped, it wouldn’t be her.
She lifted her chin. ‘And our conversation shouldn’t take long. I want to say how much I enjoyed tonight.’ No need to lie. ‘I’ll never forget it.’
Not a minute. Not a heartbeat.
He seemed pleased with that. ‘Neither will I.’ He held her hands tightly. ‘Thank you.’
She hid a flinch. ‘You don’t have to thank me.’ It didn’t sound right, as if she’d performed some service. And it wasn’t like that. Her hands pulled back from his. God, she needed air. These walls were closing in.
She collected her bag resting on the edge of the console. ‘It was something that happened…once.’
His brow lowered. ‘It doesn’t have to be that way.’ He half laughed. ‘Not that I’m suggesting we do this kind of thing regularly. I’ve always found high-quality linen and a mattress a good choice.’
Her return smile was bland. That comment only made her think of how many mattresses he might have around the place. She shook her head. ‘I don’t think so.’
After a long moment, he nodded. ‘That’s probably best with work and deadlines. That’s the priority.’ He shucked back his shoulders. ‘We don’t have to refer to this again, if you’d rather not.’
She hugged her bag as regret spiralled through her. Ten minutes ago they’d been as close as two people could get, bodies sliding, hands searching, fevers climbing. Yet now…
Keeping a tight rein on those emotions, she turned to find the door. ‘We really ought to go.’
His hand manacled her wrist and tugged her back. Nerve-endings sparked, her breasts seemed to swell, and that demon desire kicked right back in. Had he decided he wouldn’t let her go that easily after all?
His eyes searched hers. ‘I just wanted to say—’
Don’t say it, don’t say it, please say it. ‘Yes?’
‘Barney’s down the end of the corridor. Hope you won’t feel too uncomfortable. He won’t ask questions.’
Her heart plummeted and smashed at her feet. The muscles in her face collapsed. Yet this was what she wanted. This was the right way, the only way she could focus fully on her goals.
First and foremost, he was her boss, expecting her to give her all to this campaign, and rightly so. Beyond that, she planned to work overseas. She’d needed to prove to herself, to her father, to the world, that she could succeed or all those years of hard work would be for nothing. What she and David shared here tonight could never be anything more permanent than a stolen hour.
He swung out the door. ‘What time do you expect to be in tomorrow?’
‘When do you want me?’
Would he come back with something fun and flirty like, How about now?
She watched his back as he stepped out the room. ‘Eight a.m. Don’t be late.’
SHE affected him. From the start he’d known it. Now he couldn’t escape it.
At the head of the polished mahogany table in Miles Advertising’s generously sized boardroom, David reclined more deeply into his high-backed chair and drank in that shining fair hair and smooth clear voice. A second later, he bit his inside cheek
at the push of longing compounding in his gut.
Serena was addressing Josh Winton, the creative director, and Burt Foggle, copy, regarding the print campaign she and Jezz McQade had put together. And wasn’t she doing a brilliant job? Neither nervous nor uncertain—not in the least. She’d taken her lessons seriously. If he hadn’t known better, he’d guess she’d been liaising on this level for years.
In truth, it was just over four weeks since he’d awarded her the position of second-in-charge of the Hits campaign—thirty-one days and nights since their episode at Mixem Studios. And from that time to this, David hadn’t been able to get Serena out of his mind.
The taste of her mouth and body hadn’t faded from memory. The soft texture of her skin was still clear in his head. The sex had been unbelievable. Tender. Playful. More exciting than he’d ever known. Against his better judgment, he’d been ready to go back for more.
But Serena had made it clear: it had been a one-time offer only. He commended her on making the right decision—she was even more mature than he’d first thought—but, deep down, he hadn’t been happy about it. And that was scary.
He wasn’t stupid. He knew the signs. The way his body heated when he saw her. The way his mind turned off when he recognized her smile or her laugh as she walked into the room. He was riding a fast train, hurtling towards a station called ‘danger of falling in love.’
With an employee.
He thought of Olivia Roundtree and cringed.
Smart and sassy, Olivia had been hired when his agency was small and his hopes for it were shiny new. Still wet behind the ears, he’d been eager to prove himself and she’d given him confidence, in more ways than one. When he’d promoted her, she’d done an adequate job in the office, but that had taken a backseat to the way her adventurous nature had ignited his libido. They had been a couple, he’d thought a happy one. Then one day out of the blue she’d upped and announced she was jumping a jet and leaving the country. She’d wanted to find herself, learn and grow. No hard feelings.
Yeah, right.
If that weren’t enough, she’d left smack in the middle of an important campaign they’d been working on together. Both his agency and heart had been sacrificed for the sake of what he’d then called love. But this recent scenario possessed an even sharper double-edge.