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The Wedding Must Go On Page 16
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Page 16
‘To keep. The woman waiting over there—’ he tipped his head and Roxy watched the lady nod and smile in greeting ‘—she’ll do the honour of marrying us. I brought your gown with me—it’s in my car, if you want to wear it.’
‘Nate, no.’ She shook her spinning head. ‘I haven’t said yes.’
His lips twitched. ‘You don’t think I’d let that stop me.’
He pressed her close and her sketchpad dropped to the ground. ‘This is where I’m meant to be, what I’m meant to do. Be with you. Adore and love you every day for the rest of our lives.’
She worked to swallow against the lump growing in her throat. ‘Nate, you wouldn’t tease me about something like this. You wouldn’t, would you, if this were just some act … if it weren’t true?’
Setting his hands on her shoulders, he rested his brow against hers. ‘Tell me, Roxy. Say you love me too.’
Tears, built in her eyes, were sitting, ready to spill. She took a shuddering breath, but she couldn’t say the words. She wanted to believe so much, and when she thought of his parents, rather than hers, it actually seemed almost possible.
‘You’ve shown me so much, Roxy. Taught me so much. Things I didn’t think were important but ends up are the most important of all.’ His committed gaze roamed her face. ‘I love you. Only and for ever you.’
She felt so weak, helpless and, at the same time, so empowered.
‘I want to cherish and protect you,’ he went on. ‘And I know we’ll be happy because I can feel it, Roxy—’ he put her hand to his chest ‘—right here.’
A tear escaped, rolling down her cheek. ‘This is what you were most afraid of,’ she warned him. Falling in love. ‘Aren’t you even a little scared?’
‘Only in a good way, like when you start a new adventure. One that will last two lifetimes.’
With his eyes glistening into hers and his grip on her upper arm holding her tight, she eased out a breath and gave in to his will. To his faith and their love.
More tears fell, rushing down her face, curling around her chin. She hadn’t thought it was possible, but he’d done it. He’d stripped her of her doubt. And she believed, believed with all her heart.
For some there really was a happy ending.
Her mouth wobbling with a smile, she choked out, ‘I love you, Nate. You know I do.’
His chest expanded, then he let out a long full breath. ‘And I’ll never forget it. Never ever take you for granted.’
As her arms threaded around his neck and his head lowered again a collective cheer went up. Roxy’s breath caught as she turned her gaze towards the noise. Emerging from behind various trees were Nate’s mother and father, his sisters, their husbands and a flock of children. Cindy and Marla were there too, waving, while Greg shook combined victory fists above his head. And there was another person, dressed in chiffon, a gardenia corsage pinned to her bodice. Her throat backed up with her emotion, Roxy croaked out, ‘You brought my mother here?’
‘All we need now are the bride and groom.’
When, breaking into a bigger, even brighter smile, she nodded, he swept her up in his arms and carried her off to those guests, to their wedding and what was destined to be a blissful new life.
LUNGING, Roxy snatched up the hands-free before the phone rang a third time.
Usually at this time of day she turned the volume off rather than down and let whoever it was leave a message. But she was expecting an important call, one she hadn’t told a soul about … not even Nate. Thinking of how much their lives might change after this conversation, she felt a little faint. But, God knew, there was no going back.
After she’d answered with, ‘Mrs Sparks speaking,’ a sophisticated female voice replied.
‘I’m glad we’re finally able to talk. You’re a hard woman to pin down.’
‘Well, life’s busy, business is booming and …’ Roxy paused. She thought she knew who was calling. Now she stopped to ask, ‘I’m sorry, who is this?’
‘My name is Harper Valance.’
Ms Valance went on to explain that she worked for a well-respected pregnancy and parenting magazine. Her position was managing editor. Butting a shoulder against the nearby jamb, Roxy took it in and gathered her thoughts.
After their wedding day, when she’d worn that special gown, she’d made the contest deadline but had neither won nor come a place. She hadn’t been upset. There’d been so much to occupy her mind and her time.
When the required time had passed, she and Nate had signed the appropriate papers, making their marriage legal and binding, and this past year she’d switched from designing bridal wear to having the best time creating her own maternity line. Her shop had been relocated closer to the home she and Nate had purchased together near the harbour, and her affordable outfits were gaining popularity. Clients had suggested opening in other major cities or that she launch an online shop. The Internet certainly made the world a smaller, more convenient place.
Roxy was rapt by the response. She’d begun this new venture with nothing more than a fabulous challenge in mind; she wanted to help mothers-to-be feel and look that much more beautiful. Now, given this phone call, it seemed that word had spread further afield than she’d thought.
Turning, Roxy leaned the other shoulder against the jamb and looked into the adjacent dimly lit room. ‘Your magazine wants to do a spread on my line?’
‘Actually, we’d like you to consider heading a column for us,’ Ms Valance said. ‘I’ve followed your blog “Family Blessings” since your wedding. Congratulations on the new addition, by the way. You and Mr Sparks must be thrilled.’
As her chest warmed and a grateful smile spread across her face Roxy studied the peaceful form bundled up in a cot positioned in the far corner of that quiet darkened room. Her precious baby was sleeping soundly, although Hayley Jane would need to wake soon for her bath and dinner. With Nate’s dark hair and startling blue eyes combined with a smile that melted her parents’ hearts, their daughter was a delight. Every day was an adventure, filled with emotions so intensely satisfying, Roxy couldn’t imagine feeling more content.
Ms Valance was explaining, ‘We’re interested in your experiences as a businesswoman, designer, seamstress, wife, mother. Woman. Frankly, I love the energy of your blog posts. Given the healthy number of comments you receive, I’m not alone.’
‘That’s a wonderful offer, but the truth is I’m rather time poor at the moment.’
‘Let me explain.’ Ms Valance took an audible breath. ‘With your permission, we’d love to use backlist excerpts from “Family Blessings”. Of course, we’d also be open to view pieces you might like to create whenever a more, let’s say, exclusive muse strikes. You have a lot to say and, I’m sure, a lot more to share.’
When Hayley stirred in her cot, Roxy quickly and quietly thanked Ms Valance for the offer. She needed to talk with her husband and would get back to her soon. Setting the phone in its cradle, she had to smile. Once, not long ago, she’d ached for the chance to boost her profile. Make a big career splash!
Her priorities had changed. Life had changed and, in a thousand ways, for the better.
The phone rang again, and this time the caller was the person Roxy had expected. As she ended the call a couple of minutes later the baby stirred again and Nate swept into the room. He stopped to steal a lingering, loving kiss and rub the tip of her nose with his before heading into the nursery.
‘I heard the baby squeak,’ he said. ‘I’ll get her.’
Hayley wasn’t near fully awake yet, so Roxy held her husband back. His curious look faded into an adoring expression that confirmed every remarkable thing she knew about him and their incredible life together. Reaching on tiptoe, she pressed in close and wound her arms around his neck.
‘You’re home early.’
‘Dalton Majors can look after anything that crops up.’
‘The new second-in-charge is working out well, then.�
‘Dalton’s sharp, decisive.’ He cocked his head. ‘I didn’t think so at the time, but, in hindsight, it was best Greg didn’t get on board. This was always far more my project than his.’
She wound herself closer, enjoying her husband’s hard heat and divine masculine scent. ‘And you didn’t need that Mr Nichols or his money either.’
He’d needed to take that leap of faith and do what Nate Sparks wanted to do. After that initial hitch, the problem with his patent had been rectified and his company was flourishing, as Roxy had known it would.
As if he’d read her mind, he murmured close to her lips, ‘What I need is to make sure you and Hayley are happy, every day, in every way.’ He flicked a glance towards the nursery before his palms, hot and steady, slid up her sides. ‘I think she’ll sleep a while longer.’ He leaned in to growl playfully at her ear. ‘I could use a lie down too.’
As his mouth slanted over hers Roxy sighed and dissolved.
When they came together—when they made love—the joining was always amazing, and with each passing week, with every passing moment, the love they felt for each other only grew. In her soul Roxy knew this was for ever. Not because of the Sparkses’ family ‘curse’ but because two people could be lucky enough to overcome hurdles from both past and present. Two people could fall and stay in love when that unique prize was paramount to them both.
As the kiss slowly broke and Nate’s attention turned to savouring the sensitive slope of her neck Roxy fought the sizzle of desire to find the wherewithal to ask, ‘Don’t you want to know who was on the phone?’
‘Mmm …’ He found the zip at her back and tugged. ‘Later.’
Roxy grinned. He’d want to know now.
‘The other day I went to the doctor’s to confirm a test I’d taken.’
He stilled. She felt his heart thumping near hers before he pulled back. His expression was anticipation, happiness, disbelief.
‘You’re pregnant? Again?’
He brought her close, hugged her tight. She knew him well enough to imagine the emotion prickling behind his eyes. Then, as if he’d had a startling thought, he pulled back again.
‘Why didn’t you tell me sooner?’
She drew down a breath and tried to explain.
‘Because something felt … different.’
His jaw clenched as he gripped her upper arms. ‘Are you all right?’
‘I’m great—now that I know the results of the scan and everything’s fine.’ Her hands cupped his handsome curious face. ‘We have three babies, Nate. Three little lives growing here, inside of me.’
With an ever-growing look of astonishment, he covered her tummy gently with a big warm palm. She watched his throat work. Saw his chest expand on a deep breath. He blinked, gazing into her eyes, and croaked out a question.
Feeling elated, relieved, she laughed. ‘That family curse—’ blessing ‘—is particularly potent in your case.’
‘Our case.’ Beaming, he gathered her close again. ‘This was a group effort. And it’ll be a group effort in parenting.’
Her lips twitched. It would need to be.
‘Maybe we ought to go back to being extra careful about contraception after this delivery,’ she said.
‘That’s up to you. All I know is …’ His strong fingers scooped through her hair and held her head firmly so he could look deeply into her brimming eyes. ‘God, I love you. I’ve always loved you.’
He swept her up into his arms and was striding off towards their nearby bedroom when the baby mewed and they both looked back. Hayley was wide awake, kicking and arms out, ready for cuddles.
Carefully, Nate set his wife back on her feet, and as they moved towards their six-month-old daughter he said, ‘It’s going to be busy around here.’
At the cot, Roxy lifted a giggling Hayley up. ‘And noisy.’
Nate screwed up his nose at a suspicious smell. ‘And messy.’
Roxy snuggled both of them close. ‘Darling, it’s going to be heaven.’
Nate’s mouth found hers, and as the caress deepened Roxy couldn’t help but be struck by an extraordinary, wonderful fact. Every time they kissed, every time he drew her near, the emotion touched a new and beautiful place—a place she hadn’t quite known existed until that moment. And each time it happened—every time she was lifted up—the words she now lived by bubbled up in her mind and her heart.
This was the deepest kind of love.
Theirs was the best ever life.
All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.
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First published in Great Britain 2012
by Mills & Boon, an imprint of Harlequin (UK) Limited.
Harlequin (UK) Limited, Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road,
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© Robyn Grady 2012
ISBN: 978-1-408-97456-8